Demolition, upgrading and new works to repair and renew the pool basin, concourse, grandstand, plant and infrastructure at the subject facility.
Request for Tender 980 - Glenorchy War Memorial Pool Change Room Building Refurbishment
Interior and alterations works to the changerooms and other buildings at the subject facility.
The following applies to Requests for Tender 979 and 980 above:
Subject facility
The subject of these Requests for Tender is the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool, which is located at Anfield Street Glenorchy Tasmania.
Tender documents
Tender documents must be downloaded from the Glenorchy City Council electronic tendering portal website .
All enquiries from prospective tenderers about this Request for Tender must be directed to .
Pre-tender site inspection and briefing
Pre-tender briefings will be conducted on site at the times in the tender documents. Attendance, whilst not a mandatory requirement, is recommended.
Place for lodgement
Tenders must be lodged in the electronic tender box located on the Glenorchy City Council electronic tendering portal website.
Closing time
Tenders must be received in the electronic tender box by no later than 4.00pm on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.
Council is not necessarily bound to accept the lowest or any other tender. Late tenders may be rejected.
Tony McMullen
Chief Executive Officer
Glenorchy 7010