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planning scheme amendment

The Glenorchy Planning Authority has certified draft amendment PLAM-24/01 to the Glenorchy Local Provisions Schedule. The draft amendment may be inspected on Council’s website or during normal office hours at the Council offices, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy, from 04th February 2025 until 04th March 2025.

What land is affected by the amendment?

100 Cadbury Road, Claremont.

What is the reason for the amendment?

To allow for future use and development of the Cadbury Visitor Experience (Tourist Operation).

What does the draft amendment seek to do?

The amendment seeks to allow a Tourist Operation use at the site, which is currently not allowed. To achieve this, it proposes the introduction of the Cadbury Visitor Experience Specific Area Plan. Note: No development is proposed at this stage.

How can I be involved?

Any person may make representation about the draft amendment during the above period by letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Glenorchy City Council, P.O. Box 103, Glenorchy, 7010 or by email to .

It is important, if you wish to have your say, either in favour or against the draft amendent that you put your comments in writing to Council. Otherwise, you will not have formal status in any future processes involving the final decision-making body for the draft amendment, the Tasmanian Planning Commission.

For further information please contact Council’s strategic planning area by email at or on Tel (03) 6216 ... .

Tony McMullen Chief Executive Officer

Hobart 7000