Notice is given that Council has received the following applications for a planning permit:
2 McRobies Rd, South Hobart - Partial Demolition, Alterations and Extension - PLN-HOB-2024-0669 |
100 Pinnacle Rd, Wellington Park and Strickland Ave, South Hobart and 220 Waterworks Rd, Ridgeway - Tourist Operation including Aerial Ropeway (Zipline), Launch Tower, Landing Platform, Storage and Amenities, Car Parking and Associated Works - PLN-HOB-2024-0525 |
These applications can be viewed either online at or during business hours at the Hobart Council Centre, 16 Elizabeth Street, Hobart until Wednesday 19 February 2025. Any person may make a representation in relation to these applications either in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, GPO Box 503, Hobart 7001 or by email to Representations must be received no later than 11.59pm Wednesday 19 February 2025.
Michael Stretton
Hobart 7000