Department of Transport and Main Roads
Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, section 175A (3)
Date of notice: 31 January 2025.
I, Trevor THOMSON – Shipping Inspector T391 – Gladstone North, am appointed as a Shipping Inspector under part 13 of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 (the Act).
Under section 175A (1) of the Act, a shipping inspector reasonably believes that a ship, part of a ship, or other property is abandoned property. Further, 175A (2) The inspector may seize the abandoned property and remove it to a place the inspector decides appropriate.
Description of abandoned property:
Where and when abandoned property was found:
On 2 January 2025 MSQ was advised by the last registered owner, that the ship had been sold on or about the 18 November 2024, but the new owner had failed to remove it as arranged. On 9 January 2025 an MSQ aware sticker was placed on ship requesting the new owner to contact the Gladstone MSQ Office. On 15 January 2025, Marine Officers boarded the ship and observed there was a moderate amount of water in the bilge and a significant amount of rubbish onboard.
The ship is currently on an Authorised Buoy Mooring (GR122) which has been surrendered by the Authority holder as of the 15 January 2025. It is currently located in the city reaches of the Fitzroy River, Rockhampton, approximately:
I reasonably believe the ship LM K, displaying registration numbers NV380Q is abandoned property.
If the property described above is not claimed by 14 March 2025, it may be seized, removed from Queensland Waters, and disposed of through appropriate means.
Statement for the purposes of section 175A (5) of the Act:
If no one claims the property within the time stated above and I seize and remove it, I may, having regard to the value and condition of the property and without further notice–
(a) sell the property by public auction or
(b) destroy it.
If you wish to assert ownership in the property described above, you must attend the MSQ Gladstone Office at Floor 7/21 Yarroon Street, Gladstone 4680, State of Queensland, in person before 4 p.m. on 14 March 2025.
Shipping Inspector, T391
Maritime Safety Queensland
Rockhampton 4700