Holsworthy Military Area contains areas of the nature heritage listed Cumberland Plain Woodlands and the threatened communities of Shale Gravel Transition Forest. As management from predation by foxes on native fauna within this area AVPM Pty Ltd intends to lay 1080 poison fresh meat baits and canid pest ejectors at Holsworthy Military Reserve, Heathcote Road, Holsworthy for the control of foxes. Baiting will commence on Monday 9 September, 2024 and be completed by Saturday 30 November, 2024. Please be advised that 1080 is highly toxic to humans, livestock and pets. 1080 is particularly lethal to dogs and cats. It is recommended that during the baiting period neighbours restrain pets/working dogs and ensure they do not enter the baiting location. Any dogs required to enter the baiting location should be muzzled during and after the baiting period. In the event of accidental poisoning seek immediate veterinary assistance
Further information can be obtained by contacting Col Wilkie 0455 281651 or your local LLS office
Holsworthy 2173