The land affected by the application is located at: 57 Gateshead Drive Wantirna South
The application is for a permit to TO modify the Registered Restrictive Covenant contained in the Instrument of Transfer C866926 by replacing the words “any other materials approved by the said Baileigh Homes Proprietary Limited” with the words “hebel and/or light weight exterior cladding and/or metal cladding with render finish”
The applicant for the permit is Mustard Seed Lawyers
The application reference number is P/2024/6281
You may inspect the application plans and any supporting documentation online at
Any person who may be affected by the granting of the permit may object or make other submissions to the Responsible Authority.
An objection must be sent to the Responsible Authority in writing, include the reasons for the objection, and state how the objector would be affected.
The Responsible Authority will not decide on the application before Monday 16 September 2024.
If you object, the Responsible Authority will tell you its decision.
Melbourne 3004