MARLENE WHITTAKER also known as ADA HARRIETT WHITTAKER late of Fairway Rise Lifestyle Village, 1 Toogood Drive, Lindisfarne, Tasmania, Deceased.
Creditors, Next of Kin and others having claims in respect of the property or estate of the abovenamed deceased who died on the 21st day of July 2024 are required by the Executors, SCOTT WILLIAM LAW and DAVID MARTIN REES, to send particulars of their claim to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, GPO Box 167, Hobart 7001 by the 18th day of January 2025 after which date the Executors may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they have notice.
Dated this 18th day of December 2024.
E.R. Henry, Wherrett & Benjamin
9 Victoria Street
Ph: 6220 ...
Glenorchy 7010