Urbis has been commissioned by Carmichael Tomkinson Property Group on behalf of Meriden School (‘the Proponent’) to conduct an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHA) of 12-14 Margaret Street and 16 Margaret Street, Strathfield, NSW, legally described as SP14460 and Lot 1 of DP723946.
The ACHA is being prepared to support a State Significant Development Application (‘SSDA’) under Division 4.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), which seeks approval for demolition and enabling works and the construction of a sport and aquatic centre.
The Proponent can be contacted directly via:
Katie Redpath
Associate Director
Carmichael Tompkins Property Group
E: katie.redpath@ctpg.com.au
The ACHA is to be carried out in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2019 (NSW) and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents (DEECW 2010) and will include consultation with the Aboriginal community.
Urbis is seeking interest from Aboriginal parties who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal objects and/or places that may exist within the subject area who wish to be included as a Registered Aboriginal Party (‘RAP’) for the ACHA.
If you have not previously registered interest in the project, please do so in writing to the contact details provided below by 9 October 2024:
Ginger-Rose Harrington
Urbis Ltd
Level 8, 123 Pitt Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000
E: gharrington@urbis.com.au
Please be advised that the Proponent is required to forward the names of all RAPs to the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council and Heritage NSW unless instructed to withhold that information
Strathfield 2135