Have Your Say
The Department of Education is proposing the delivery of new infrastructure at the above address, which will include the following:
• Stage 1a: a new two-storey learning centre with ten (10) new general learning areas (GLAs) and two (2) flexible learning areas, two (2) new senior automotive workshops
and other refurbishments to supports STEM enrolments.
• Stage 1b: a new two-storey multi-purpose hall and kinesiology lab.
• Stage 2: a new two-storey performing arts centre with dance, drama, music and multimedia spaces and other refurbishments.
• Stage 3: a new two-storey learning centre with eight (8) GLAs and new administration area, and other refurbishments.
• Stage 4: a new two-storey visual art and GLA block with eight (8) GLAs, three (3) art spaces and a multimedia/digital arts and an art infill space.
• Stage 5: a new two-storey ITD building with engineering and construction workshops, clean technology and robotics spaces, and other refurbishments.
• Future stage: swimming pool
Each stage is supported by additional car parking where required, landscaping and internal pathways and walkways to connect new buildings to existing areas of the school.
The development will increase the student enrolment capacity by 991 students, from an existing capacity of 804 students to 1,795 students.
The MID proposal can be viewed at
You can make a submission, on or before 27 September 2024, to the Infrastructure
Designation team via:
• online: https://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/mid-consultations
• email: infrastructuredesignation@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au
• post: PO Box 15009, City East QLD 4002.
Questions? Contact the Infrastructure
Designation team on 1300 967... or at the above email address.
The MID proposal (MID-0624-0853) has been made by the Department of Education to the Planning Minister under Chapter 2, Part 5 of the Planning Act 2016.
Brisbane 4000