Artefact Heritage, on behalf of Level 33 (the proponent), is undertaking an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHAR) of the property known as 221-291 Crown Street, 216-238 Keira Street and 86-90 Burelli Street, Wollongong.
Level 33 intend to lodge a new Development Application to the Department of Planning NSW via the State Significant Development (SSD) pathway for the following proposed works:
•Project Location: 221-291 Crown Street, 216-238 Keira Street and 86-90 Burelli Street, Wollongong
•Project Type: Mixed Use
•Site Area: 1.308 ha
•Client: Wollongong Developments No.8 Pty Ltd
Level 33 has engaged Artefact Heritage to complete an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (ACHAR) for the project, including consultation in accordance with the Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010 (DECCW 2010) for the proposed works in anticipation of award of specific SEARs.
The contact details for the proponent are:
Claudine Malanum
Assistant Development Manager
Level 33
The study area is located within the Wollongong LGA. We are inviting registrations of interest in the project from Aboriginal groups and individuals who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal objects and/or places in the locality of the project. Please note that the Consultation Guidelines require us to provide details of the Registered Aboriginal Parties to Heritage NSW and Illawarra LALC. In your response could you please advise if you would not like your details to be provided.
Please register your interest in the project by end of day on 3rd October 2024, by contacting:
Aboriginal Heritage Consultation
Artefact Heritage and Environment
Suite 56, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
Wollongong 2500