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Artefact Heritage, on behalf of Goodman Group (the proponent), is undertaking an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHAR) of the property at Honeman Close, Huntingwood.
The proposed development will be constructed in two stages and will consist of the following scope:
• Stage 1 – Infrastructure (including Signalised Intersection)
o Estate wide infrastructure works including vegetation clearing, bulk earthworks, watercourse realignment, retaining walls, internal services reticulation.
o Lead in services including stormwater, sewer, potable water, electrical and communications
o New signalised intersection at Great Western Highway / new proposed estate road including all services relocation;
o Subdivision
• Stage 2 – Construction and Operation of a Warehouse and Distribution Centre;
o Construction, operation, fit-out and use of two warehouses, totaling circa 50,000m² warehouse, including ancillary office spaces, guardhouses, loading bays, landscaping, electric vehicle charging, solar panels and signage
The project will be seeking development consent as a State Significant Development (SSD). The project has not yet been declared an SSDA and the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) have not been issued. It is anticipated that an ACHAR will be required support an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project.

The contact details for the proponent are:
Lachlan O’Reilly
Goodman Group
The Hayesbery
1-11 Hayes Road
Rosebery NSW 2018

The study area is located within the Blacktown Local Government Area (LGA). We are inviting registrations of interest in the project from Aboriginal groups and individuals who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal objects and/or places in the locality of the project. Please note that the consultation guidelines require us to provide details of Registered Aboriginal Parties to Heritage NSW (formerly Office of Environment and Heritage) and the Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC). In your response could you please advise if you would not like your details to be provided.

Please register your interest in the project by end of day on 6 February 2025, by contacting:
Aboriginal Heritage Consultation
Artefact Heritage
Suite 56, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009

Huntingwood 2148