SI SI YAP (also known as SI SI SIAH) late of 42 Flowerdale Road, Glen Iris, VIC 3146, deceased. Creditors, next of kin all and others having claims in respect of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 15th day of October 2021 are required by the trustee SAN-SAN MELISSA SIAH, care of 30/3A Victoria Street, Warragul, VIC 3820, to send particulars of such claims to the trustee care of the undermentioned solicitors by [date] after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which the trustee then has notice. Letters of Administration was granted in Victoria on 25/06/2024
Pathfinder Law, 30/3A Victoria Street, Warragul, Victoria 3820 PO Box 520, Warragul, Victoria 3820
Ph: (03)
5619 ...
Warragul 3820