NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO RESEAL LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration of 14 days from the publication hereof, RODNEY PHILLIP DONALDSON of 6A Neath Street, Surrey Hills in Victoria, the the administrator of the estate of LISA DONALDSON, late of Unit 3/15 Harrison Street, Mitcham in Victoria, deceased, to whom letters of administration of the said estate were granted by the Supreme Court of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction on the 25 June 2024, will apply to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that the seal of the Said Supreme Court of Tasmania may be affixed to the said letters of administration pursuant to Part VI of the Administration and Probate Act 1935. Dated 29/01/2025 Butler McIntyre & Butler McIntyre Butler Solicitors acting on their behalf of the Applicant |
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